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Results of Nine pin bowling leagues 13.10.2013
In Slavonski Brod, 13.10.2013 was hhold 2nd round of 1st Nine pin bowling league sesaon 2012/2013. Results and some phot are below.

Good start for host team in 1st round 2nd Nine pin bowling league
In Karlovac 21.09.2013 was start 2nd Nine pin bowling leauge for blind and VI with 1st round The best results has da host team from Karlovac. More details and compleat results you can see in pdf documents below.

Nine pin bowling league start in Rijeka, 14.09.2013.
In Rijeka, 14.09.2013 was start a new sesaon of Nine pin bowling leauge with 1st round in 1. League. Compleat results you can see in pdf document and some photo also.

5th International 9pin bowling tournament in Osijek 2013
In Osijek, 09.06.2013. was hold 5th International 9 pin bowling tournamet. Compleat results and some photo you can see below.

14th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling: 8 medals for Croatia
Croatian nine pin bowling team at 14th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling for blind and VI in Apatin, Serbia, 21.-25.05.2013. won a 8 medals. Gold medal with new ER in women and man team event, and 3 individual gold medal in B1 women (Petra Deša), and B3 women (Ruža Markešić) and B2 man (Stanko Jerković), silver by Ranko...

Reciptions for NIne pin bowling team after EC 2013
Croatian nine pin bowling team after great achivment in 14th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling in Apati,Serbia 21.-26.05.2013. was host in Zagreb by NPC Croatia with press conference and reciptions for the team.

14th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling: 4 new medals for Croatia
14th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling 3rd day of commpetition. Croatia won new 4 medal at 3rd day of commpetition at 14th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling for blind and VI in Apatin, Serbia 2013. In category B1 Petra Deša won a gold medal, in B2 Evica Serfez won a silver medal and in B1 man we won a two medal, silver by Ranko...

14th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling: Gold for Croatia man team
14th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling 2013. Croatian man nine pin bowling team won a gold medal with new team record Final results 1.CROATIA 4164 pins 2. SLOVENIA 3920 pins 3. ROMANIA 3891 pins 4. SERBIA, 3888 pins 5. POLAND, 3878 pins 6. GERMANY 3870 pins 7. SLOVAKIA 3847 pins

14th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling: Gold for Croatia women team
First day of commpetiton was for women team evetn at 14th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling for blind and VI in Apatin, Serbia.
In women team event 1st place goes to Croatia, second was team of Germany and 3rd was team of Romania.
More detalis you can see in this link:

14th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling for blind and VI, Apatin Serbia 2013
In Apatin, Serbia from 21-26.05.2013. is going to be hold 14.IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling for blind and vusualy impared. Croatian team is defending championships in woman and man team event from last EC (2012. Celje, Slovenia), and also in individual event our player are defending 3 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronce medal...