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21th Individual championship in nine pin bowling 2013
In Koprivnica, was hold 21th National chmapionships in Nine pin bowling for blind and VI for 2013. Compleat result and some photo you can see below.

5th round results for 2nd NPB leauge 23.3.2013.
The final 5th round of 2nd Nine pin bowlinge leaugue for 2012/2013 was hold in Varazdin, 23.03.2013. Final results you can see in document below.

Results of Nine pin bowling leagues 09.03.2013.
Results from 1st and 2st Nine pin bowlign league in Karlovac and Pozega you can see below. Also you can see final team ranking for 1st Nine pin bowling league 2012/2013 and some photo of the first 3 team in sesaon 2012/2013.

Rijeka won team event in 5th round o 1st NIne pin bowling.leauge
In Zagreb, 16.02.2013. was hold 5th round of 1st Nine ping bowling for blind and VI seson 2012/2013 of Croatian Blind Sport Association. Results and some pohoto you can see below

9 pin bowling for blind present to children in kindergarden
Petra Desa our blind player and memeber of national team in nine pine bowling was made a small presentation in two kindergarden in Zagreb. Petra was shaw a kids who shee bowling and some aids for blind pepole e.g. blind cane, or mobile with speaking softver etc. Kids was specilay enthusiastic when Petra came with...

Results of 2nd Nine pin bowling, 2012/2013.
Results of 2nd Nine pin bowling of CBSA 2012/2013, for 1st and 2nd leg you can see in document below.

Nine pin bowling and goalball team won 1st place in Banja Luka
In Banja Luka, BIH, was hold 8th sport weend for blind and visualy imparied in goalball and nine pin bowling commpetition, 20.10.2012.First place won Goalball sprots club of blind Zagreb, and also first place won a nine pin bowling team from sports club of blind Zagreb. From Nine pin bowling commpetition you can...

Nine pin bowling league CBSA 2012/2013 start 1st round in Rijeka
New seson of Nine pin bowling leauge for blind and VI of CBSA 2012/2013 start with 1st round in Rijeka, 15.09.2012. Results from 1st round of 1st Nine pin bowling league for blind and VI 2012/2013, CBSA you can read below in pdf document.

13th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling 2012. - 9 medal for Croatia
In Slovenia, city of Celje was host of 13th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling for blind and VI. Croatian nine pin bowllng team won a 9 medal, 5 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze. More detail about this event with compleat results and photo you can see at offical web page of EC http://9pinbowling.weebly.com/results.html

13th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling 2012.
In Slovenia, Celje from 29.05 till 03.06. will be hold a 13th IBSA EC in 9 pin bowling for blind and VI. More info you can see at offical web page of the event: http://9pinbowling.weebly.com/index.html